Weather policy
What if it’s raining on the day?
As an outdoor event, Twilight at Taronga is subject to weather. Please note the concerts will proceed rain or shine.
We strongly recommend you come prepared with wet weather gear, raincoats and ponchos and something waterproof to sit on in case of rain (umbrellas may be used at the rear of the lawn only). Ponchos and waterproof backed picnic rugs are available to purchase at the show.
What if it’s dangerous weather?
Concerts will be cancelled only if the weather poses a safety threat to patrons, staff or performers at Taronga Zoo during show time from 6pm – 10pm.
Weather conditions are unpredictable and the situation may change hour-to-hour. We do endeavor to provide as much notice as possible regarding any changes to performances due to weather and any changes to performance times will be communicated via the Twilight at Taronga website.
Patrons accept that in purchasing a ticket they are paying for a performance that commences at approximately 7pm on the Concert Lawns at Taronga Zoo and that weather conditions prior to that time and in other parts of Sydney will not result in the performance being cancelled.
Patrons accept the risk that weather they consider unsatisfactory may occur on a concert night and acknowledge that a performance may be cancelled by Twilight at Taronga due to dangerous weather conditions at the time of or during the performance.
Twilight at Taronga is guided by the Consumer Code of Live Performance Australia with regard to refunds. For more information and to read the code, please click here.
To summarise:
- Twilight at Taronga is an outdoor event and shows proceed in rain or shine.
- Concerts will be cancelled only if the weather poses a safety threat to patrons, staff or performers at Taronga Zoo during show time from 6pm – 10pm on show day.
- We assess the weather conditions in our local area, Mosman NSW. Rain or storms in or around the Northern Beaches or North Shore area and beyond are not necessarily relevant.
- If you’re a ticket holder, how you get to the event is your responsibility.
- Any changes to performance times due to weather will be posted on the website.
- If a performance cancellation occurs, an update will be posted on the website, an event notification emailed out to ticket holders and a SMS notification sent out.